
Laboratory Animal Information Service (LAIS) started at the Indian Cancer Research Centre, Bombay (now, Advanced Centre for Treatment Education and Research in Cancer) in 1957 with the help of UNESCO and became a unit of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi in 1959. This unit for the first time undertook a survey on the conditions of laboratory animal care, breeding and experimentation in the country and considered the need for educating the biomedical fraternity on the proper care, breeding and maintenance of laboratory animals. This resulted in the initiation of a regular training course in laboratory animal sciences in 1967, and the publication of laboratory animal bulletins, which contained information on the laboratory animals breeding, maintenance and their use for experimentation in various research institutions in the country. This unit was later shifted to National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad in 1976, and was expanded to provide animal support to NIN's nutritional research and also to provide animals to other institutes within the country and it was renamed then as Laboratory Animal Information Service Centre (LAISC).
In 1998, during the 7th Five Year Plan additional support received from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, which helped the unit to reach the current status as the National Center for Laboratory Animal Sciences (NCLAS). The cabinet committee headed by Honourable Prime Minister gave the approval for the formation of NARFBR on 18th November 2015. The Dept. of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare conveyed the orders on 3rdDecember, 2015 and subsequently, ICMR issued a notification on 1stJanuary, 2016 for the creation of NARFBR as a permanent institute under the aegis of ICMR.